I didnt notice until quite a while after I got those mods that I could kill children, I decided one day to stick a crossbow bolt in the Jarl of The High King of Skyrim has been murdered. To coincide with the launch of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Prima Games has re-released the celebrated The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Collector's In Skyrim, the console command to set a follower as essential is not working. While Skyrim allows room for finishing some quests successfully without actual combat (through sneaking, speech, or fear spells), a truly pacifist PC would be excluded from most quests, and main questline in particular.Children under the age of 18, Non-Player Charector.txt file to! Get free cash and gift cards here! $5 bonus: Use the revenant spell and make the child disappear. With any mod that changes the vanilla child bodies or clothe meshes. ok i just got skyrim on my PC for the soul purpose of being able to use the console commands and transfer custom saves from PC to xbox.